Monday, January 5, 2009 enemy

Fear. I have them. I have fears that I don't even realize are there. Most often, we don't sit around making lists of what are are afraid of. Instead, they often come out in conversation, in how we live our lives, things we choose to abstain from or do habitually over and over, etc.

I know that I have my fears...I will spare you the list but today is a new day and I choose not to fear. Fear is a hindrance. Fear will keep you from getting what you want, will make you detour past the promises of God, and cause you to feel contained. This is not God's will at all.

I was rambling to a friend recently and they called me out on the fearful declarations I was making over my life by just BEING HONEST. But as a faith person, I'm not supposed to just spout off at the mouth what I see for the Bible says that "the just shall live by faith." Not only that but "God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and of a sound mind."

My friend told me, if your thoughts have fear attached, those thoughts are NOT from God. It's one thing to use wisdom and be cautious, but if they are of fear, they are NOT from God. It was kind of huge wake-up call for me.

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