Friday, January 2, 2009

Loving Life in My 30's

It is the second day of 2009 and I have made resolutions. Mind you I made one resolution a few years ago. And that resolution was to NEVER make a New Year's resolution ever again. But I am a firm believer of the New Year providing a new beginning and a fresh start for everyone. I believe that when the clock strikes midnight of Jan 1st, all the problems, dilemmas, and stresses from Dec 31st and prior magically disappear and a blank slate is provided. (Boy I just wish that debt would magically disappear too...since that's the cause of most of my stress.)

But instead of listing resolutions (that I know will fall off my March) I have begun to make goals for each year. Example: "I will workout everyday for two hours and eat nothing but vegetables and oatmeal" instead would be "Be more physically active and make better food choices." You may think the first statement is extreme, but dear readers, I am extreme. I'm an all or nothing kind of a girl which is why resolutions don't work for me. I give my all to the resolution for about a month and once it gets too hard, I give up and give nothing. But goals, visions, desires that are broad and open work for me. Gives me room to still be me and improve on that me. So without further ado, I give you my 2009 goals.

1. Continue to cultivate and nurture my relationship with God. He's my everything!

2. Make more friends in more bold in putting myself out there.

3. Love my family more and more everyday...sometimes not the easiest for's me though...not them.

4. Write a complete manuscript. Whether or not it will be published I WILL complete my first book THIS year. I'm so excited!

5. Be more physically active and make better food choices. ( how I just slid that one in?)

6. Get married. (LOL...just kidding...but Lord if it's your will, LET IT BE! have not cuz you dream not. Can I get an amen??)

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