Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Can Feel A Change Coming...

Today was my first day of reading the Bible through in 90 days. I'm expecting for God to speak to me, reveal His will to me, and transform me in the process of these next three months. I have found myself in a season I never expected.

I moved to Austin, TX from Seattle, WA almost 6 months ago. FedSource, the company I was employed with for 4 years closed down for reasons beyond my understanding. So anyway, in the course of figuring out what I was going to do beyond June 30th, I prayerfully decided to move to Austin. I felt like God was asking me to go out on a limb and live closer to my family (I'd moved to Seattle to kinda separate myself from my family and grow as an individual). I looked forward to moving to Austin because I felt a fresh start in my life was what I needed. My friend Crissie put it the best way. She told me "You've outgrown Seattle." And that's exactly what happened. My life was GREAT in Seattle and I miss it, but I sensed a shift. And I believe this shift was needed in order for God to continue to mold and change me so that I can do and be all He has planned.

That being said, this has been one of the TOUGHEST seasons of my life. I've had to trust God in ways I've never had to. My patience has been tested to the point where I wanted to give up. The promiseland of my new beginning was far from a land flowing with milk and honey. I've even asked God, "Do you even know what you are doing?" And of course He does. I had to repent for that I have found myself jobless, friendless, broke and broken, and many times alone. All I can say is that it really stinks when your plan isn't God's plan. But what I can rejoice in is that God's plan is BETTER than my plan. And His plans are to prosper me and not harm me. Amen!

In the meantime, I feel God calling me (and His church) to spend more time with Him. How can I know what His plan to prosper me is if I don't spend the time with Him, listening and speaking? How can I have a stronger relationship with God if I continue to have drive-by meetings with Him? How can I lay hold of all He's laid hold of me for, if I don't lie down and surrender? I feel the winds of change ablowing in my life and they are refreshing. These winds are coming straight from heaven. My encouragement to you is that you, too, would allow God's refreshing winds of change come and blow in your life. Spend time with Him, read His love letter to you and yield to His good, pleasing and perfect will.

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